How do you keep wires from getting hot? Answered & Explained!


Keeping electrical components in good condition is compulsory for safety usage. This safe usage is especially essential for you as a homeowner. You will want to ensure that your home and all appliances are safe and always in good condition.

As a homeowner, you may be worried about any abnormalities in the wirings of your home. One of your most common problems is wire overheating, which indicates an electrical hazard. With these concerns, you may be prompted to ask the question

How Do You Stop Wires From Getting Hot?

The first way is to not overload them. Overloading is one of the major reasons wires get hot and may eventually melt if the load is too much for the wire.  Listed below are some of the ways you can prevent wires from getting hot:

  • Use of Circuit Breaker

    In the case of overheating due to more current flow than the wires can handle. A circuit breaker is a perfect solution. It stops the flow of current when it exceeds a limit.

  • Rewiring

    The use of wires with a higher voltage rate will prevent overheating successfully. This is because wires with a greater radius give less resistance. you can rewire your house to suit where necessary.

  • Increase Circuits points

    If you don’t have enough circuits, Add more circuits to your home. It is more likely you are causing overheating by overloading the few circuits in your home. Install dedicated circuits for heavy voltage devices and add more outlet switches. This will render extension cords and power strips unnecessary as they are causatives of a fire outbreak.

  • Regular Maintenance
    Hire experts to carry out regular inspections. Identify and replace any melted, frayed, or damaged wires.

What Can Cause A Wire To Get Hot?

There are a few factors that can cause wires to overheat, these include;

  • Corrosion

    Corrosion wears wires and conductors out, and this increases resistance. When resistance increases, heat is produced. Wires and conductors worn out due to Corrosion are more likely to overheat.

  • Overloading

    Wires are manufactured to safely conduct a specific amount of current and not more without damage. If a wire is forced to ferry more current than it should, it will overheat. Eventually, this overheating will melt down the plastic insulators on the wire.

  • Poor Connections/ Wrong Connection

    Wrong connections are one of the easiest ways to overheating. A poor connection can divert a high watt load on a small area. A poor or bad connection is the most dangerous reason for overheating because it’s difficult to notice. They may keep up till it causes a disaster.

  • Coiling

    Wires are most likely to overheat if it is constantly rolled or coiled. Rolling can cause breakage. This leads to increased resistance in a wire. Coiling of wires can also generate a magnetic field and it is advised not to coil your extension cables and wires.

  • Short Circuit

    By default, the fuse in a circuit blows up in the occurrence of a high current surge. If the fuse survives this type of surge, the high voltage will cause the wires to overheat. Unchecked short circuits will lead to melting insulators and fire outbreaks.
    A short circuit can also result when a conductive liquid invades the course, allowing the current to leak(wet arc leaking).

  • Few Circuits

    Most people have few circuit points in their homes. These points are used for heavy appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, pressing iron, etc. the use of a few circuits to power lots of appliances in a property will most likely overload the circuit, causing the wires to overheat.

Do Electrical Wires Get Hot?

Yes! Electrical wires get hot. All wires which have an electric current passing through them have electrons travelling through them, and this causes the power cables to feel warm. However, when a wire or power cable exceeds a certain load current, it will generate higher heat.

With an increase in the load current, the temperature of the wire cable surface will also increase, and if it stays undetected in time, it can result in dire consequences.

What Does It Mean When A Wire Gets Hot?

A wire getting hot can mean several things, such as;

  1. If the power cable (wire) is only warm and not hot, the warmth shows that it is transmitting electricity. All wires with electric current passing through them have electrons travelling through the wire; the collision of these electrons generates heat that can be slightly felt on the table surface. Warm cables are positive signs of current conducting.
  2. If the wire is mildly hot that you can still comfortably touch, there is likely a lot of electricity transmitting, slightly higher than it should be. Though not enough to be alarmed.
  3. Should the power cable become too hot for you to touch comfortably, it is conducting more current than it can safely handle. It can also be that a short circuit has occurred, but the fuse is intact and not blown, resulting in heavy current transmitting with no break.

Is It Normal For Electrical Wires To Get Warm?

Yes, it is very normal for electrical wires to get warm. Wires are not perfect electricity conductors because currents that flow through a power cable meet with resistance. This resistance generates heat. Therefore, when electricity passes through an electrical line, warmth is expected.

This warmth is not entirely good because energy is lost as heat. So, the more resistance in a wire, the more heat generated, and the more energy lost. Though warm wire cables are a sign of heat loss, they are not necessarily a sign of trouble, but Hotwires are an indication that something is wrong.

What Causes Wires To Get Hot?

When the operating temperature rises higher than the rest temperature, the wires become hot. Due to their resistance, wires generate heat whenever electricity passes through them. Other factors such as heavy load and hot temperatures also contribute to wires getting hot.

Heavy Load

Suppose your wires transmit electricity to high-power devices like refrigerators, pressing iron, etc. The heavy amounts of current will cause them to grow hotter than if they were powering a lesser power-consuming device such as a television or bulb.

Hot temperatures

Hot environmental temperatures can increase the temperature of the wires in a room. Wirings must withstand the superheated environment and perform constantly while bearing all electrical loads.

Please note that wires should withstand spikes in outside temperature. unless you use cheap inferior cables, it is no cause for concern.

How Hot Is Too Hot For Wires?

Though electrical wires can be warm and slightly hot without the need for concern or damage, it’s vital to know wire temperature limits for safety reasons. Copper Development Association shows that the copper conductors in a wire can hold heat to a maximum of 194 degrees F.

Aluminium, however, doesn’t have the same heat endurance. This feature makes copper more widely used. It is advised not to allow your wires to approach this limit of 194 degrees F.

Manufacturers always provide temperature data their cables can endure. We use that to determine whether or not the electrical cable is getting hot. Once a cable is hot, it’s a sign of distress.

What Causes Wires To Get Hot And Melt?

Wires get hot when they carry loads heavier than they should. The copper conductors have plastic insulation and a jacket that cannot withstand heat and melt at lower temperatures. It would be best if you didn’t count on the temperature capacity of copper and aluminium conductors to alert you on how hot a wire should get.

The melted wire is not dangerous and unsafe for use. Replace any wire with signs of melt to avoid leakage and fire outbreaks.

Can Wires Overheat?

Yes, Wires can overheat. When lots of heat is generated by current passing through a wire, it can cause overheating causing the plastic insulations to melt. This melt can cause a surge or start a fire. Overheating can also result in a wire’s insulation wearing out. This exposes users to the risk of electrocution and possible death.

Do Thicker Wires Prevent Overheating?

Yes, thicker wires will prevent overheating. If the wire is not heavy enough (thick enough), it will heat up. For example; a 14-gauge wire has the rate to handle 15 amps of current in U.S. household wiring without overheating safely. If your circuit needs to supply 20 amps, you should wire with thicker 12-gage wire.

A higher current circuit would need thicker wiring to provide the higher current to avoid overheating.


Do Extension Wires Get Hot?

Yes, extension cords can get hot. Like all wires, overheating can occur when it supplies current to appliances with more amps than rated. When extension cords are coiled wrong, there can often be breakage in the wire. Coiling builds up the wire resistance, and in turn, overheating will result.

You should check an extension cord voltage rate and use it accordingly; if there are any signs of overheating, it’s best to change the electrical cords to avoid a melt and a fire outbreak.

Can A Neutral Wire Get Hot?

Yes, a neutral wire can get hot. If a neutral wire is hot, it must be either a bad wire connection, open neutral, wrong readings, or low resistance. In an electrical circuit, neutral wire serves as a return path for the current and as such, it should not be dangerous to you.

Reasons your Neutral Wire is Hot?

If you observe that your neutral wire is overheating or getting hot, it can be any of the following reasons:

Wrong or Improper Wiring

Ensure that you have the right wire acting as the neutral wire. Wire colour codes can differ from what you know. If your home wiring was done wrongly, then it could be a reason your neutral wire is getting hot. You can Identify the neutral wire by using the red probe of your millimetre to touch the visible wires.

There will be no readings if it is a neutral wire. However, if it is a hot wire, then it will. Always use the right tools for the test. Never use your hands. Until identified as a neutral wire, it might just be that your neutral wire is a positive hot wire.

Open Neutral

In a home electrical connection, the neutral wire serves as a connection between the panel and the line transformer. When there is a break in the neutral wire, it results in an open neutral which can result in any of the following:

  • It gives live current to the appliance you’re using, causing it to electrocute.
  • Since the neutral wire serves as the return path in the circuit, any break in the neutral wire will stop the current flow and can lead to a fire outbreak.
  • When there is an open neutral, it can lead to a similarity in voltage between the neutral wire and the hot wire.


We have established that wires getting hot is due to resistance. Electrical current meets resistance when it flows through a wire. This resistance produces heat. That heat becomes dangerous if the wire is too hot to touch comfortably. Overloading, a short circuit, Corrosion, wet arcing, poor connections, insufficient circuits outlets, and the hot temperature are a few reasons why a wire can build resistance, leading to overheating.

You can prevent your wire from overheating by installing a working circuit breaker, rewiring poor connections, increasing circuits and outlets, and using wires with larger diameters to avoid resistance.

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